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Writer's picture: pensfan621pensfan621

I know it's been forever since you've seen a new book from me. I'm bummed about that too.

Things got weird during the pandemic. I was used to a house all to myself all day long. Long stretches of silence that I would sit and write. But suddenly everyone was home. And half the time everyone is still home.

I have a few stories on my mind that I want to write. Sitting down to do it will be the hard part. Over the last 6 months I have been working on me and trying to get healthy (lose weight). It's a lot of work to go from sitting for 8-10 hours a day, to meal planning, cooking, (now) adding in movement and exercise, and adding using my Lymphedema pump for an hour a day (I might as well nap while I do that, because you can't sit up enough to type).

The last month I have been trying to put me first, and my getting healthy journey. Well, that leaves no time to sitting and writing.

I need a better plan! I will start trying to plan my day out so I can get these words to paper. I need to! I want to.

Speaking of words. I know you are all probably anxious for the next Renegades book, and believe me, I feel like a piece of garbage that I haven't given that to you yet. But that story just isn't coming to me. The characters have been off doing who knows what instead of talking to me, and it's frustrating. So, I am going to let that go for the moment. The book will be written. The series will continue. I am just finally letting myself take the break from it. I had been forcing a story that wasn't there for the last year, and I just need to allow myself to back off. Let it come naturally. When it's ready to.

In the meantime, I am going to work on one or two other stories I keep thinking about. I at least know one of them will be a standalone. The hardest part will be trying to sit and do it, after a month of telling myself that I need to get up and move...

So, I apologize that Delay of Game won't be out any time soon.

But stick around so you don't miss the announcement when it's finally time.

And I hope to get something new to you in 2024! Stay Tuned...

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Writer's picture: pensfan621pensfan621

Just a quick update on our kitty Fleury.

I finally chose to put him on a daily medicine. He is eating it in a small amount of his food, I call it his "second breakfast" and he loves his second breakfast now! Unfortunately so does Buddy Cat! (Buddy doesn't need second breakfast, but you can't give one and not the other)

But the good news is he is doing better. Of course we don't know if it's the meds or he just hasn't had an episode since. Either way, it's all good.

One more vet trip to check bloodwork with being on the new med, and hopefully there won't be any issues with that. It literally took me 4 months to find a med this cat would take!

We are having a rough time with out little cat, Fleury. He's like a runt, only 5lbs, but perfectly healthy and scrappy. Well, he is perfectly healthy besides having random seizures. We don't know why. His bloodwork is fine. Let me tell you, they are terrifying. He just had one about a half hour ago and I am still rattled. This started 3 years ago, he had one, then nothing for 3 years!

At the beginning of 2024 he started to get like 2 a day, then he went to 1 every other day, then finally he went 8 weeks with none! That brings us to this week, they are starting again.

They only last about a minute or two, but those are two minutes feel like eternity.

Yes, we went to the vet after that scary first week of 2024. Fleury wasn't real happy about that. They examined him and did bloodwork and everything was normal. But we had a video of the latest seizure, so the vet got to see it.

He gave us a med, but the episodes stopped again. I didn't want to give him a med while he wasn't having them. The vet agreed.

But since they are starting again, I think we need to go to the med. I don't want him to suffer if I can't keep these from happening. I wish the one a day pills were smaller. They are HUGE, and I don't think he's going to take it.

I hope to get him started before Monday. I can't stand to watch him go through these episodes. And it does stress me out worrying that he is in pain. So I'm a shaken mess right now. I'm praying he can go the next few days without, just for his well being, and ours. Ugh... being a pet mommy is hard!

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